четверг, 9 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр.№1

Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№1,сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови. Тема уроку:"Вплив діяльності людини на довкілля, розвиток граматичних навичок". Пропоную повторити Conditional sentences та виконати впр.8, 9,10 стор.109-111, впр.14 стор. 112 з підручника  з англійської мови для 11 класу під редакцією Буренко. Підручник можна знайти за посиланням:


Підведення підсумків уроку.
  • If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station nearmy house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would...
  • If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by publictransport, I would..
  • If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station nearmy house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by publictransport, I would...
  • If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by publictransport, I would...
  • If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station nearmy house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by publictransport, I would...
  •  If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would...
  • If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would...
  • If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would...
  • If I were a fisherman, I would...
  • If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would...
  • If I lived on an island, I would...
  • If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would...
  • If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would...
  • If I lived in a jungle, I would...
  • If I were an endangered species, I would...
  • If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, Iwould...
  • If I had to travel to school by car or by publictransport, I would...

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