вторник, 31 марта 2020 г.


Шановні учні гр. №2. Завтра 1 квітня у нас за розкладом останній урок з англійської мови. Я пропоную вам підсумкову контрольну роботу обов'язкову до виконання, виконуйте на подвійних аркушах, фотографуйте та надсилайте мені на вайбер, тільки не в групу, або на мою електронну адресу.


Термін виконання до 06.04.2020.
Завдання ви можете знайти в нашому електронному класі за посиланням:


Код курсу: f7ikne2


Шановні здобувачі освіти гр. №12. Сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням. За планом сьогодні контрольна робота. Теоретичні матеріали знахоться на сторінці: "Контрольні роботи під час карантину". Ця контрольна роюбота обов'язкова до виконання. Надсилайте відповіді на мою електронну адресу.


Контрольна робота для гр. №12 "Способи приготування страв"

Test 2
Способи приготування.

1. Form word combinations

1.         Lay the
2.         to be
3.         to  boil
4.         to  pour
5.         to bake
6.         to  add
7.         to slice
8.         mashed
9.         to chop 
10.       to cook              

                                                                     a)         table 
                                                                     b)         hungry
                                                                     c)         water
                                                                     d)        soup
                                                                     e)         salt
                                                                     f)         chees
                                                                     g)         bread
                                                                     h)         potatoes
                                                                      i)          the dinner
                                                                      j)          meat              

2. Complete in English

3. Translate into English

1. Спочатку треба змастити сковороду олією.
2. Покладіть тісто на 15 хвилин в духову шафу.
3. Сіль потрібно додавати лише в кінці приготування страви.
4. Кухар не може починати готувати без рецепта.
5.Помічник кухаря не зміг вчасно почистити картоплю, тому сніданок був пізніше.

4.  Match the word combinations with the pictures (A-F).

Boiled rice

Roast chicken

Baked potatoes

Grilled sausages

Fried eggs

Steamed vegetables

5. Meat with vegetablesComplete the recipe with the words from the box (use some words more than once).
put, cut, chop, slice, add, mix, peel, fry, boil
What to do:
_____________the meat into small pieces.
_____________some carrots and potatoes and______________ them into small pieces.
_____________one onion.
_____________the meat in the frying pan.
_____________the meat into the pan and_______________ some water and the
_____________the meat and the vegetables.

Don't forget to_________________________everything well.
_____________________some salt and pepper.
Enjoy your meat.

6. Read the menu below and answer the questions.

1                             Do they serve canned soups, or do they make them here?
2                             Can you describe a shrimp scampi1 in your own words? A chef’s salad?
4                             When do you eat hors d'oeuvres?
5                             What comes with the dinners?
6                             Which dinner comes with something instead of potatoes?
7                             How many desserts do they serve here?
8                             How can you find out about the desserts?
9                             How can you find out about the wines they serve here?

пятница, 27 марта 2020 г.


Гр. №17, ми майже закінчили курс навчання  англійської мови, наступної п'ятниці ви отримаєте завдання для директорської контрольної роботи. Сьогодні працюємо з підручником, виконуємо вправи: впр.6 стор.155-156, впр.5 стор.170, впр.8 стор.171. Підручник занглійської мови для учнів 11 класу під редакцією Буренко.



Доброго ранку гр. №4. Ми продовжуємо вивчати тему: "Вплив людини на життя планети". Сьогодні працюємо з підручником: впр.3 стор.161(слова), впр.4 стор.161, впр.5 стор. 162(письмово), впр.8 стор.162-163(письмово), впр.2 стор.164(слова), впр.1 стор.166(слова). Підручник з англійської мови для 10 класу під редакцією Буренко.


четверг, 26 марта 2020 г.


Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№12. Теоретичний матеріал з предмету: "Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням" ви можете опрацювати за посилання:



Пропоную контрольну роботу для гр. №3, з теми: "Захист навколишнього середовища".

Test 7
1.                                                           «Environmental protection».
  1. Make word combinations:                                                                                                      1
a)       global                                  1. rain
b)      greenhouse                          2. warming
c)       acid                                      3. effect
d)      ozone                                   4. layer

  1. Complete the sentence right «The gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as …»
a)       acid rain
b)      ozone layer
c)       global warming
d)      greenhouse effect

  1. Complete the sentence right «Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as …»
a)       greenhouse effect
b)      ozone layer
c)       acid rain
d)      global warming

  1. Choose an adjective, antonym of the word “dangerous”.
a)       poison
b)      waste
c)       safe
d)      destruction

2. Give it a name:                                                                                                         2
(Earth) (overpopulation) (pollution) (surrounding) (ecological crisis) (to purify) (poison) (global warming)
1)    something that kills  people or animals;  
2)    all around us;
3)    to clean something from waste;
4)    too many people who live in one place.;
5)    making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals;
6)    a situation with huge problems in ecology;
7)     a situation with changing climate;
8)             Planet, which we live;

3.     Complete                                                                                                                                      2
      ultraviolet   generator    natural     tree   factory    climate   reduce    oil     health    sprays        future        
1)     A machine that makes electricity.
2)     We have to find ways to ... pollu­tion.
3)     Oil, coal, wood, air and water are all resources.
4)     Many people in cities now have ... problems.
5)     ... is a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground.
6)     The special type of oxygen around the Earth is important because it stops... radiation.
7)     Many aerosol... destroy the atmos­phere.
8)     A place where they manufacture things.
9)     We must change the way we live. We  have to think about the ....
10)   Many scientists say that the ... is changing.
11)  A very large plant that helps to make oxygen.

4.  Rewrite the sentences using passive structures.                                                                               3
1. Water pollution kills inhabitants of seas and oceans.
2. Logging companies cut down thousands of trees every day.
3. Farmers gathered the crops before the weather changed.
4. They founded a new national park
5. Children  planted a lot of trees and flowers.

6. They won't discuss this project tomorrow.
5.    Complete according Grammar                                                                                                         3
  1. Now human beings __________(to kill) our planet.
  2. People usually____________(not to take care) about the environment.
  3. The builders every year ________________(to cut down) a lot of trees in the forest.
  4. Our problems _______________(not to disappear) in future.
  5. When did the destruction of this countryside ___________(to start)?
  6. He ___________ (to plant) a tree at that time yesterday.

6.                                    THE TRAGEDY IN CHORBOBYL                                                            1

Mankind will remember the 26th of April 1986 forever. The tragedy in Chernobyl showed how great and how: dangerous the power of atom could be. On the 26th of April 1986 there was the blast at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. And a lot of radioactive substances got into the atmosphere. During the liquidation the accident, people all over the world could see the courage  of the people who tried to save the situation. During the first weeks of the tragedy a large number of journalists, from Ukraine and other countries of the world visited Chernobyl Zone. The rescuers did impossible. A lot of them died, but they managed to stop the fiery element. The courageous heroes saved people who had got dangerous doses of radiation they cleaned fields, gardens and houses. We can say that it was a national feat. The damaged reactor was covered with steel and buried under it.                                                                                                             
Agree or disagree (True + | False -)
1) The tragedy in Chernobyl showed how weak the power of atom was.
2) The accident happened on the 26th of April 1986
3) During the liquidation people all over the world could see the courage of the Ukrainian people.
4) A few journalists visited Chernobyl Zone.
5) The rescuers couldn't stop the fiery element.
6) The courageous heroes saved people who had got a dangerous dose of radiation.
7) It was a national crisis.
8) The damaged reactor was covered with leaves and wood.


Пропоную контрольну роботу для гр. №1, з теми : "Здорове харчування".

Test 5
1.       Complete the table              
                    Meals time                    
BRITAIN                                 USA_________Ukraine______
Breakfast                         Breakfast ________ Breakfast _____
7.00-10.00a.m.             7.00-10.00a.m.____________________
Lunch                              Lunch______________ Dinner _____
12.00 a.m.-2.00p.m.                  11.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m.________________
          Dinner                                            Dinner__________Supper____
6.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.                     6.00 p.m.-9.00 p.m.________________
 2. Translate into English:
1.  національна кухня
                      2.  складатися з…
                      3.  страва
4.       скибка хліба
5.       гірчиця
6.       смажена яловичина
7.       хрін
8.       свиняче сало
9.        виделка
10.      варена картопля
11.      зелена цибуля
12.      тушкована курка
3.       Complete the table






      4.  Transform
Ex: Our friends come to see us every Friday. (last Friday) - Our friends came to see us last Friday.
1.        Every day the shop closes at 7 p.m. (yesterday)
2.        He will help you tomorrow. (now)
3.        Scientists published their report last month. (every month)
4.        My sister went on holiday a week ago. (next month)
Present Simple or Present Continuous.
5.        boil
a) Water ... . Can you turn the kettle off?
b) Water ... at 100 degrees Celsius.
6.        go to bed
a) It is very late. I ... now.
b) My little sister usually ... at 9 o'clock in the evening.
7.        work
a) John ... very hard. He is a great specialist.
b) You always ... .
Can you do something else?

    5. Match the proverbs:
  1. Every cook praises …
  2. Dry bread at home is better ….
  3. Too many cooks …
  4. Out of the frying pan ….
  5. To lengthen your life…
  6. His bread ….
  7. There is no use crying …
  8. Half a loaf is …
a)       over the spilt milk
b)       into the fire
c)       his own broth
d)       than roast meat abroad
e)       is buttered on both sides
f)        better than none
g)       spoil the broth (soup)
h)       lessen your meals

    6. Choose the correct answer:
1. In the ……. an Englishman has his favorite breakfast.
    a) morning;                         b) middle of the day;                       
    c) afternoon;                       d) evening.
2. The main meal of the day in Great Britain is called ……..
    a) lunch;                              b) breakfast; 
    c) dinner;                             d) supper.                       
3. If dinner is eaten in the evening, the midday meal is called ……..
    a) snack;                              b) breakfast;          
    c) “high tea”;                       d) lunch.
4. If dinner is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called ……. 
    a) breakfast;                         b) supper;
    c) lunch;                               d) good plain food.
5. Most Englishmen are not over fond of …….. 
    a) porridge;                          b) soup;                   
    c) beer;                                d) bread.  
6. What social occasion is connected with afternoon tea?
    a) to watch TV programs;    b) to listen to music;
    c) to come in for a chat;       d) to read newspapers.
7. Christmas dinner in Great Britain without a traditional Christmas …… would be strange indeed!
    a) pudding;                           b) goose;
    c) turkey;                              d) high tea.

  7.  Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box: fresh, frozen, home – made, low – fat, raw, spicy, sweet, takeaway.
1 Food which is kept very cold is …
2 These eggs are …, I bought them today.
3 I like my mum’s cooking. … food  is always the best.
4 This tea is very …. You have put too much sugar in it.
5 Indian food  like curry is very ….
6 … food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat.
7 Sushi is made with … fish.
8 People on a diet often try to eat … food.