Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№3, сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови. Тема уроку:"Музеї та виставки, розвиток граматичних навичок". Пропоную виконати впр.8, 9 стор.50-52, впр.3-4 стор. 53-54, впр.15 стор.56 з підручника з англійської мови для 10 класу під редакцією Буренко. Підручник можна знайти за посиланням:
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The Museum of Ukrainian Art was built by Vladislav Gorodetsky as Kiev's first city
miseum of antiquities and Art. The museum was opened in 1899. In 1936, the
historical section withdrew to an independent organization and the museum of
Ukrainian Art was formed. The large collection of paintings, drawings and
sculptures embraces all periods of the development of Ukrainian fine Arts and
is arranged in twenty-one rooms.
The oldest exhibit displayed is the wooden
polichrome relief of "St. George with Scenes from His Life" produced
in 12th or 13th century, which is similar to works by
Byzantine masters. Attention should be given to the portrait of the young
monk, Prince Dmitry Dolgoruky (1769) by the prominent Kievan painter Samuel who
skillfully emphasized his chaste dignity.
The art of the late eighteenth century broke
with icon painting tradition. The static conventional pose disappeared from
portrait painting. A lofty romantic attitude to people and native land is
characteristic of the painting of Taras Shevchenko (self-portrait), Vasily
Tropinin (girl from Podolie), Constantine Trutovsky (On a moonlight night) and
Realistic traditions of genre painting were
developed by Nikolay Pimonenko (Wedding in Kiev province, 1891), at the well,
Rivals (1909), Nikolay Murashko, most important Ukrainian artist of the turn of
century is the author of paintings of extraordinary expressive power.
The museum's collection of Ukrainian
paintings of the 1920s is the most complete one and is represented powerful
expressive paintings of Anatoliy Petritskiy and the monumental works of
Timofey Boychuk, Vasiliy Sedliar and Ivan Padalka.
Ukrainian Art trends of the 1930s and 40s
are represented by Aieksey Shovkunenko's fierce battle scenes (The Battle of
Maxim Krivonos with Terenty Vishnevetsky and others).
Feats of the people struggle against Nazism
and for a peaceful life became the main Themes of artists Vladimir Kostetsky,
Tatiana Yablonskaya, Nikolay Glushchenko and others.
The pictures by
artists from the Soviet Transcarpatians Josef Bokshay, Audrey Kotska, Fedor
Manailo, and Gavreei Gluik attract with the originality of their images and
intensity of their color scheme.
the museum of the art lover may trace the progress of Ukrainian art during the
years of its existing.
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