четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для групи 1

Група 1, ми закінчили тему "Людина та навколишнє середовище". Сьогодні пишемо тематичну контрольну роботу. Попереду ще контроль читання, аудіювання та контроль письма. Крім того ми повинні написати підсумкову контрольну роботу за 2 курс. Загалом у мене повинно бути ТРИ  тематичні контрольні роботи, вищевказані контролі та підсумкова контрольна робота. БЕЗ ЦИХ РОБІТ Я НЕ ЗМОЖУ ВАС АТЕСТУВАТИ. Всім наснаги, здоров'я, та гарного настрою.


Оголошення для гр.№3

Гр. №3, сьогодні урок англійської мови. Тема: "Мистецтво, живопис, жанри мистецтва." Теоретичний матеріал ви можете знайти за посиланням:


Пропоную  виконати тренувальні вправи  та надіслати мені для перевірки.


пятница, 24 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр. №4

Гр. №4, сьогодні урок англійської мови, тема:"Відомі митці". Виконуємо письмово впр. 7 стор. 60-61(закінчити речення), впр. 4 стор. 63(дати відповіді на питання до тексту на стор. 64-66). Роботи фотографуємо та надсилаємо у вайбер. Надсидлаю посилання на підручник:


Крім того, надсилаю матеріали для опрацювання:


четверг, 23 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр. №3

Гр. №3, сьогодні урок англійської мови, тема:"Відомі митці". Виконуємо письмово впр. 7 стор. 60-61(закінчити речення), впр. 4 стор. 63(дати відповіді на питання до тексту на стор. 64-66). Роботи фотографуємо та надсилаємо у вайбер. Надсидлаю посилання на підручник:


Крім того, надсилаю матеріали для опрацювання:


Оголошення для гр.№1

Гр. №1,  сьогодні урок аглійської мови. Ми закінчуємо тему: "Захист навколишнього середовища". Пропоную лексичні та граматичні вправи, обов'язкові до виконання. Роботу викоуємо письмово, фотографуємо, надсилаємо мені у вайбер. Впр. 15 стор. 112, впр. 2 стор. 120, впр. 7 стор. 122, впр. 11 стор. 125. Наступного тижня ми пишемо тематичну контрольну роботу, тому пропоную тренувальні вправи, які ви можете знайти за посиланням:


Надсилаю посилання на ваш підручник:


пятница, 17 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр. №4

Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№4, сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови. Тема уроку:"Музеї та виставки,  розвиток граматичних навичок". Пропоную виконати впр.8, 9 стор.50-52, впр.3-4 стор. 53-54, впр.15 стор.56 з підручника  з англійської мови для 10 класу під редакцією Буренко. Підручник можна знайти за посиланням:


Пропоную текст для домашнього читання.

       The Museum of Ukrainian Art was built by Vladislav Gorodetsky as Kiev's first city miseum of antiquities and Art. The museum was opened in 1899. In 1936, the historical section withdrew to an independent organization and the museum of Ukrainian Art was formed. The large collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures embraces all periods of the develop­ment of Ukrainian fine Arts and is arranged in twenty-one rooms.
The oldest exhibit displayed is the wooden polichrome relief of "St. George with Scenes from His Life" produced in 12th or 13th century, which is similar to works by Byzan­tine masters. Attention should be given to the portrait of the young monk, Prince Dmitry Dolgoruky (1769) by the prominent Kievan painter Samuel who skillfully emphasized his chaste dignity.
The art of the late eighteenth century broke with icon painting tradition. The static conventional pose disappeared from portrait painting. A lofty romantic attitude to people and native land is characteristic of the painting of Taras Shevchenko (self-portrait), Vasily Tropinin (girl from Podolie), Constantine Trutovsky (On a moonlight night) and others.
Realistic traditions of genre painting were developed by Nikolay Pimonenko (Wedd­ing in Kiev province, 1891), at the well, Rivals (1909), Nikolay Murashko, most important Ukrainian artist of the turn of century is the author of paintings of extraordinary expressive power.
The museum's collection of Ukrainian paintings of the 1920s is the most complete one and is represented powerful expressive paintings of Anatoliy Petritskiy and the monu­mental works of Timofey Boychuk, Vasiliy Sedliar and Ivan Padalka.
Ukrainian Art trends of the 1930s and 40s are represented by Aieksey Shovkunenko's fierce battle scenes (The Battle of Maxim Krivonos with Terenty Vishnevetsky and others).
Feats of the people struggle against Nazism and for a peaceful life became the main Themes of artists Vladimir Kostetsky, Tatiana Yablonskaya, Nikolay Glushchenko and oth­ers.
The pictures by artists from the Soviet Transcarpatians Josef Bokshay, Audrey Kotska, Fedor Manailo, and Gavreei Gluik attract with the originality of their images and inten­sity of their color scheme.

Visiting the museum of the art lover may trace the progress of Ukrainian art during the years of its existing.

четверг, 16 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр. №3

Гр. №3, тема уроку англійської мови:"У мистецькій галереї". Виконуємо впр. 6 стор. 60 (слова), впр. 2 стор. 57 (письмово). Пропоную текст для домашнього читання впр. 4  стор. 58-59. Підручник ви можете знайти за посиланням:


             A rich American went to Paris and bought an abstract picture painted by a  fashionable modern artist. The American thought  the picture was very fine because he had paid a lot of money for it.  But when he arrived home and wanted to hang the picture up on the well, he could not tell which was the top of the picture.  So he thought of a plan. He hung the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American said nothing to him about the picture.
             When the artist began to eat his soup, he looked at the picture many times. While he was eating his fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before his fruit he got up and walked over to the picture to look at it more closely…

Make up a story using the words:

1.   to notice
2.   bill
3.   exhibition
4.   master
5.   tradition
6.   natural
7.   purpose
8.   to surprise
9.   special
10.      besides
11.      manner


         There are quite a number of museums and art galleries in London which are world-famous.
         The National Gallery is situated in Trafalgar Square and is one of the best-known art galleries in the world. It was founded in 1824 and houses one of the most important collections of Italian paintings outside Italy. It is also famous for its Dutch collection, particularly for paintings by Rembrandt.
          The national Portrait Gallery is situated near the National Gallery. It is Britain’s leading art gallery of portraits of famous people in British history. The National Portrait Gallery is noted for representing various kinds of portraits – from traditional oil paintings  to photographs. Founded in 1856, at the end of the 20-th century it contained over 800 originals portraits and more than 500 000 photorgaphs.
         The famous Tate Gallery was opened in 1897 with the financial support of Sir Henry Tate. It also gave the collection of 65  paintings. The Gallery contains in unique collection of British paintings from the 16th  century to present day.  Particularly well represented  in the collections are such outstanding British painters as Turner and Blake. The Gallery also has many drawings and modern sculptures.
         Victoria and Albert Museum is a collection of fine and applied arts.  It contains a great collection of miniature, too. It was opened in 1857 and was named after Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert.
         The British Museum was founded in 1753. Of great value is the collection of antiquities. There is also the Reading room of the British Library in the Museum.
         In other worlds, any visitor can find in London a museum to one’s taste.

Оголошення для гр. №1

Гр. №1, тема уроку англійської мови:"Шляхи вирішення екологічних проблем". Крім того. продовжуємо відпрацьовувати граматичний матеріал "Conditional sentences"(впр. 12 стор. 111, впр. 7 стор.117). Виконуємо впр. 2 стор. 113 (слова), впр. 4 стор. 114, впр. 9 стор. 118,  впр. 2 стор. 120. Крім того, пропоную текст для домашнього читання (впр. 8 стор. 122-124). Підручник ви можете знайти за посиланням:


Chernobyl Tragedy

Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions
What happened on the 26-th of April, 1986?
Why do people call the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant a tragedy?
Do you know how many people suffered?
How has the world changed since that time?
What did that tragedy show to the whole world?

While-reading activity
          On April 26, 1986, the number four reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the former Soviet Union exploded, causing the worst nuclear accident in history. Further explosions and the resulting fire released more than eight tons of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere. Nearly thirty to forty times more fallout was released than had been by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
           As a result of the disaster, a territory of 160,000 square kilometres was contaminated. Among the most affected areas were northern Ukraine, western Russia and Belarus. Slighter levels of contamination were detected over all of Europe.
          In the aftermath of the accident, 237 people suffered from acute radiation sickness, of whom 31 died on the spot. On the whole  more than 3.2 million people were affected by radiation. Some experts predict thousands of extra cancer deaths as a result of the disaster.
         After the disaster, four square kilometres of pine forest directly downwind of the reactor turned reddish-brown and died, earning the name of the "Red Forest". Some animals in the worst-hit areas also died or stopped reproducing.
         The Chernobyl disaster also forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. People were asked to prepare for temporary evacuation, to lock their doors and shut down water and gas lines (as after several days they would for sure come back home). But they did not come back in several days or even in several years. Most of the residents left their personal belongings, which are still there today. An exclusion zone of 30 km remains in place today, although its shape has changed and its size has been expanded. The land surrounding Chernobyl will remain contaminated for tens of thousands of years.
         The fires at the number four reactor were extinguished by 5:00 on the same day of explosion. The fire inside reactor 4 continued to burn until 10 May 1986. The fire was extinguished by a combined effort of helicopters dropping over 5,000 metric tons of sand, lead, clay, and boric acid onto the burning reactor.
          In the months after the blast, by December 1986 workers hastily built a so-called sarcophagus to block off the radiation  but it has already exceeded its proposed service life. Now Ukraine, along with the European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is building a new shelter, known as the New Safe Confinement, to cover the ruins of Chernobyl's No 4 reactor and the existing sarcophagus. The shelter, designed to last 100 years, which will look like a giant arch - as tall as St Paul's cathedral or the Statue of Liberty- is supposed to be in place in 2015.
          During the memorial events dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of the tragic date in Ukraine’s history President Viktor Yanukovych said that the Soviet-era disaster at Chernobyl in 1986 had left Ukraine with a “deep wound which it will have to cope with for many years.”

Synonyms matching
1. accident                    a) shelter                     7. release                g) at once                                                        
2. former                       b)devoted                   8. combined           h) incident                                                        
3. aftermath                  c) debris                      9. ruins                   i) consequence                               
4. hastily                       d) joint                        10. sarcophagus     j) impact                           
5. affect                        e) emit                        11. dedicated          k) put out                         
6. extinguish                 f) ex-                          12. on the spot        l) in a hurry                                                       

Phrase matching
1. the worst                   a) evacuation               7. temporary           g)  nuclear disaster                          
2. further                       b) zone                         8. exclusion            h) wound          
3. highly                        c)  efforts                     9. combined           i)  radioactive fallout                       
4. the most                    d)  events                     10. proposed           j) of contamination                                        
5. level                           e) service life              11. memorial          k) effected areas                         
6. acute                          f) explosions                12. deep                 l) radiation sickness               

Post-Reading activity
DISASTERS: Which are the scariest? Rank these and share your rankings with your partner. Put the scariest at the top. Change partners and share your rankings again.
  • nuclear disaster
  • tsunami
  • hurricane/typhoon
  • avalanche
  • famine
  • earthquake
  • war
  • wildfires

Grammar Spot
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Passive Voice.
  1. Tons of highly radioactive fallout/to release/ into the atmosphere.
  2. Vast territories of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus /to contaminate/.
  3. Slight levels of contamination /to detect/ all over Europe.
  4. A great deal of  people /to affect/ by radiation.
  5. Thousands of people/ to force/ to leave their homes.
  6. The fires at the number four reactor /to extinguish/ on the same day of explosion.
  7. Now a new shelter /to build/ in Ukraine.
  8. It /to know/ as the New Safe Confinement.
  9. A lot of memorial events /to dedicate/ to the 25-th anniversary of the tragic date.

Make a short summary of the text and express your attitude to the events of April 26, 1986 according to the plan, and think what should be done by governments to prevent such disasters in future.

Оголошення для гр. №12

Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№12, ми закінчили курс англійської мови професійного спрямування. Пропоную підсумкову контрольну роботу, обов'язкову до виконання,  ви можете її знайти за посиланням:


среда, 15 апреля 2020 г.

Увага! Дистанційне навчання!

Дистанційне навчання триває з 12.03.2020. Гр. №17 не є виключенням. Ми працюємо вдома, виконуємо завдання викладачів та майстра виробничого навчання. Карантин-це не канікули! Діти повинні навчатися! Залишаємось вдома навіть на Великодні свята. Бажаю всім здоров'я та наснаги.

вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр.№12

Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№12, сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням. Тема:"Приймання замовлення". Теоретичний матеріал ви можете знайти за посиланням:


пятница, 10 апреля 2020 г.

Оголошення для гр.№17

Шановні здобувачі освіти гр.№17, ми закінчили курс англійської мови за 2 семестр. Минулого тижня я надіслав вам підсумкову контрольну роботу. Чекаю на виконання завдань. Заняття з англійської мови можна продовжити разом з каналом М1 згідно з розкладом.

Оголошення для гр. №4

До уваги учнів гр. №4. Сьогодні за розкладом урок англійської мови, ми починаємо тему:"Живопис та мистецтво". Пропоную для опрацювання наступні матеріали.

1 Make up sentences, using the table

The Louvers
The Tretyakov Gallery
The Tate Gallery
The National Art Museum
The National Gallery
The Hermitage



St. Petersburg

3 Read and match the words with their definitions

          1 A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.
          2 A film about criminals and detectives.
          3 A film with lots of music and dance.
          4 A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West.
          5 A funny film with happy ending.
          6 A film in which mysterious and frightening things happen.
A musical
B a western
C a comedy
D a science fiction film
E a crime film
F a  horror film

4    Read                                        Cinema
An American Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891. It was called a kinetoscope.
Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was  invented by two French brothers, Augusta and Louis Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographer. The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly. The Lumiere brothers gave the world’s first public film show in 1896.
In the beginning films were made to show news. But by 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use actors. The first “talkie” was shown in America in 1927. It was called  “The jazz Singer”.
There are many different kinds of films: features films, animated cartoons, documentary or popular science films, westerns, comedies, historical, musical, horror films, newsreels and a lot of others.
Making a film is very difficult and complicated. Many people work at a film studio and  take part in the film shooting. They are a producer, a scriptwriter, a cameraman, actors and actresses.
We see films either at the cinema or on TV. From time to time we go to the cinema. We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand. Near the cinema we can see a cinema bill where we can read what films are on the show begins.
Cinema is loved by people in all the countries. That is why nearly every year different film festivals are held. The most popular of them are film festivals in Cannes and in Odessa. The best films win “Oscar” or “Gold Duke”, the most talented actors and actresses are awarded with prizes.
Decide if the given statements  “True” or “False”.
1.                   A French Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891.
2.                   The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly.
3.                   The first “talkie” was shown in England in 1927.
4.                   Making a film is very easy and simple.
5.                   We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand.
6.                   Nearly every year different film festivals are held.
7.                   We see films either at the cinema or on TV.

Answer the questions:
1.          How was called the first machine with moving pictures in 1891?
2.          When did the Limier brothers give the world’s first public film show?
3.          How was called the first “talkie” film?
4.          What kinds of films do you know? Name them.
5.          Who works on making a film? Name them.
6.          Where do we buy tickets?
7.          What prizes are the best films awarded?
 аPut the verbs in the brackets into Active or Passive Voice. Choose the correct answer.

1)       This play _______________ (to perform) in our theatre last year.
 a) was performed        b) is performed     c) were performed
2) The actor ________________ (to become) famous in 1996.
         a) will become            b) is becomes         c) became
3) When ___________ the theatre _____________ (to build)?
        a) was ___ built         b) did___ built         c) does ___ build
4)       The spectators usually______________ (to bring) flowers to the actors.
a)        brings                    b) bring                      c) brought
5)       Theatrical reviews ____________ (often to write) by theatrical critics.
a)        are often written    b) is often wrote       c) were often written
6)        What play ___________ (to describe) in today’s newspaper?
a)        Were described       b) described             c) is described
7)       What kind of performances _____________ (usually to show) in this theatre?
a)        were usually shown   b) are usually shown   c) will show
8)       How many plays ______________ (to stage) by your Drama Club last year?
           a) Were staged              b) staged                         c) are stage
b)Make question tags.
                   1) It’s a huge western style theatre, ________________?
                   2) You haven’t seen a new play this month, _____________?
                   3) The guests don’t sit on soft seats, _________________?
                   4) He can become a famous comedian, _______________?
                   5) There were a lot of people at the theatre, _____________?
                   6) She isn’t watching a comedy now, _______________?
                   7) He hasn’t been to a new theatre yet, __________________?
                   8) My Dad used to like cartoons when he was a small boy,_________?
                   9) This film won the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, ______?
                  10) The seats are placed on the steep stands, ______________?
  а Put the verbs in the brackets into Active or Passive Voice. Choose the correct answer.

2)       This play _______________ (to perform) in our theatre last year.
    a) was performed        b) is performed     c) were performed
2) The actor ________________ (to become) famous in 1996.
            a) will become            b) is becomes         c) became
3) When ___________ the theatre _____________ (to build)?
            a) was ___ built         b) did___ built         c) does ___ build
9)       The spectators usually______________ (to bring) flowers to the actors.
b)       brings                    b) bring                      c) brought
10)    Theatrical reviews ____________ (often to write) by theatrical critics.
b)       are often written    b) is often wrote       c) were often written
11)     What play ___________ (to describe) in today’s newspaper?
b)       Were described       b) described             c) is described
12)    What kind of performances _____________ (usually to show) in this theatre?
b)       were usually shown   b) are usually shown   c) will show
13)    How many plays ______________ (to stage) by your Drama Club last year?
           a) Were staged              b) staged                         c) are stage
b) Make question tags.
                   1) It’s a huge western style theatre, ________________?
                   2) You haven’t seen a new play this month, _____________?
                   3) The guests don’t sit on soft seats, _________________?
                   4) He can become a famous comedian, _______________?
                   5) There were a lot of people at the theatre, _____________?
                   6) She isn’t watching a comedy now, _______________?
                   7) He hasn’t been to a new theatre yet, __________________?
                   8) My Dad used to like cartoons when he was a small boy,_________?
                   9) This film won the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, ______?
              10) The seats are placed on the steep stands, ______________?

1.  Read and match the words with their definitions.

1. painting
a) a picture made using very small pieces of glass or stone
2. drawing
b) a picture made using paint
3. photograph
c) pots, bowls  made of clay
4. mosaic
d) a work of art made of materials such as stone, metal, or wood
5. collage
e) a picture drawn with pencils or pens
6. sculpture
f) a picture made by sticking paper, cloth, or other pictures onto a surface
7. ceramics
g) a picture made using a camera

2. Match the words with similar meanings

work of art
art gallery

3. Find the keywords and match the words referring to it

Novels    Literature   Drama     Performing Arts   Music    Poetry    Dance   Cinema   Ballet        Theatre             Fine Arts         Painting    Architecture            Sculpture

1.  Read and match the words with their definitions.

1. painting
a) a picture made using very small pieces of glass or stone
2. drawing
b) a picture made using paint
3. photograph
c) pots, bowls etc made of clay
4. mosaic
d) a work of art made of materials such as stone, metal, or wood
5. collage
e) a picture drawn with pencils or pens
6. sculpture
f) a picture made by sticking paper, cloth, or other pictures onto a surface
7. ceramics
g) a picture made using a camera

2. Match the words with similar meanings

work of art
art gallery

3. Find the keywords and match the words referring to it

Novels    Literature   Drama     Performing Arts   Music    Poetry    Dance   Cinema   Ballet        Theatre             Fine Arts         Painting    Architecture            Sculpture